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Lower School Student 活动: Beyond the Classroom

伟德国际的综合学习方法侧重于教育整个孩子. 除了 to a balanced and challenging academic program, 有各种各样的机会和活动,我们的学生可以学习新的技能, practice leadership, and build school spirit and community.

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After School Enrichment (Grades Pre-K-5)

伟德国际的辅助课程为低年级学生提供了多种课后丰富课程的选择. Enrichment classes run in three, 为期八周的课程涵盖了从幼儿园到五年级的学生. 该计划旨在补充课程,进一步发展在课堂上学到的技能,并允许学生在课堂外探索新的学科领域. 强化课程为学生提供解决问题的机会, 团队工作, think creatively, 承担风险, promote mindfulness, inspire healthy lifestyles and encourage good sportsmanship. Offerings vary each session and include but are not limited to: Chess, Rock Climbing, 网球, 滑冰俱乐部, 瑜伽, 科技俱乐部, Fun Chefs and Hip Hop.

Musical (Grades 3-5)

参加低年级音乐剧是帮助培养学生在课堂之外成长的经验之一. 这 exciting experience is open to all students in grades 3 through 5. 学生有机会扩展在音乐课上获得的技能来学习性格分析, acting techniques, script approach, and audition preparation, as well as the basics of technical theater and dramatic production. 学生 work with a theater director, a music/vocal coach, and a choreographer to broaden and strengthen their performing art skills. Beyond cultivating a love for musical theater, the program promotes student growth in creativity, self-confidence and collaboration. 音乐剧是精心挑选的,目的是提供适合年龄的, large ensemble style, 有趣的, 可识别的节目为我们的学生提供了许多闪耀的机会.

STREAM Expo (Grades 4-5)

STREAM博览会是四年级和五年级学生利用课堂作为展示自主探究学习的舞台的机会, 紧密结合学校与家庭的联系,加强两者之间的学习流动. The grades 4 and 5 STREAM Expo is not a competition, and although it is optional, students are encouraged to participate as an opportunity to explore, 创建, and innovate. 学生 present their projects in the Dr. 艾伯特·科恩家庭创业研究中心为来访的学生和家庭提供服务. 有四种不同的项目格式,以涵盖所有学生的能力水平和项目的想法. 学生 apply research, design thinking, the scientific method, and problem-solving skills to an inquiry of their choice. 这 is learning that is intrinsically motivated.

Chapel Acolytes, Crucifers and Readers (Grades 4-5)

在教堂项目中有几个领导和参与的机会. 学生 in grade 4 and 5 may serve as crucifers, acolytes, and readers. 到五年级结束时,学生们计划并实施他们自己的学生主导的教堂.

TED-Ed Club (Grades 4-5)

通过TED-Ed俱乐部,学生们发现并研究对他们最重要的想法. In the Lower School, 学生们在一个成人促进者的帮助下会面并参与各种会议,这些会议旨在支持学生以简短的形式分享他们的大想法, TED-style talk. In the spring, 学生们将有机会将他们的TED演讲提交给圣安德鲁的TEDx委员会,并在一年一度的tedx圣安德鲁斯学校活动中展示.

Library Assistant Club (Grade 4)

图书馆助理俱乐部(LA俱乐部)是专门为四年级学生提供在学校社区中发挥作用的机会. 学生们参与各种各样的任务,包括摆放书籍和保持书架整洁, helping to prepare seasonal book displays, guiding morning drop-ins by suggesting book titles, and retrieving books from the classroom setting for check-in purposes.

FIRST LEGO League Robotics Team (Grades 4-6)

在每个分部,学生都有机会参加机器人竞赛. In the Lower School, students participate in the FIRST LEGO League (FLL). FIRST机器人是一个全国联盟,对所有年龄段的学生开放. 四年级的学生(ScotBots)和五、六年级的学生(RoboScots)与他们的团队一起建造一个结构合理的机器人,并编写一个程序,以在主题操场上获得尽可能多的分数. 除了, students research, 开发, code, 并向评委们展示一个符合年度主题的,针对现实问题的创新解决方案. 学生们在这样做的同时,也在学习合作,同时实践亲切的专业精神等核心价值观.


圣安德鲁五年级的学生参加了一场历史性的过夜之旅,游览佛罗里达州最古老的城市, St. 奥古斯汀. 学生们将他们的学习带出课堂,探索这座历史名城的美丽景点, including visiting Castillo de San Marco, the Old 佛罗里达 Museum, the Old Jail, and the famous St. George’s street. 这种参与有助于我们全面发展的学生.

Ambassadors (Grade 5)

对于五年级的学生来说,最重要的服务机会之一就是担任低年级大使. 他们为未来的家庭提供帮助,并在特殊活动期间为游客提供指导. 他们还向年轻的学生介绍苏格兰人的方式,并作为榜样,示范圣安德鲁苏格兰人的正确行为.

Safety Patrol (Grade 5)

学生有机会在担任早晨安全巡逻时展示领导能力. 他们打开车门,迎接学生,然后送学龄前的学生去教室.

Pre-K Helpers (Grade 5)

五年级的学生和学前班的学生一起走进教室,愉快地问候他们,帮助他们适应上学的一天. 年长的学生指导年轻的学生,在他们在一起的时间里建立一种特殊的纽带.

WSAS - Online BETVlCTOR Broadcast (Grade 5)

在五年级, 学生们在小组中工作,开发低年级全年的BETVlCTOR广播. 学生学习媒体艺术的基本技能,如剧本写作和BETVlCTOR报道, while also serving in both on-air and behind-the-scenes roles. 学生们协同工作,创造出制作和播放视频所需的所有元素,主要基于低年级的事件. Student broadcasting jobs include being an anchor, 记者, weatherperson, 相机, and teleprompter operator. Approximately 20 student/teacher run shows are produced annually.